Space Shuttle Columbia Memorial

In memory of the brave souls who flew with the Space Shuttle Columbia ...

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    Columbia was a bird that flew in space.
    Its wings in many colors, its body beautiful, it soars up in space.
    Columbia was many things, that's why space called her and she listened.
    Columbia went into space for 17 days and came down, not softly, but with a crippled wing. It came down broken, its 7 eggs scattered.
    Columbia was like the Starship Enterprise, its mission the same:
      Space, the final frontier: these are the voyages of the starships Columbia and Enterprise. Their ongoing missions: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
    We always face dangers when we go up to space, and that's why the crew of Columbia will never be forgotten. They were so brave, and as one parent of one of the crew said: "Their deaths are not in vain, it (meaning the missions) will go on."
    I am adding one more thought:
      The crew of Columbia will be remembered beyond.........,
      the brave souls will live.
      The brave crew took with them the hopes, the risks, and the dangers of space with them when they blasted off.
      Why did they do it??????, you ask...........
      because space was calling them, that's why.
      Both the crews of the Columbia and Enterprise wanted to go.
      William Shatner (Kirk) made a point: When Spock asked him why he (Kirk) wanted to climb a mountain.
      He replied, "because it's there."
    My thoughts go out to the families of the Columbia's crew: "Live long and prosper", "Peace and long life"

    CSO and poet, "Spock"
    Cmdr. James (Jamie) Delantonas

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"We Will Never Forget You"

    One behalf of my Command Staff and Crew from the Shuttle TikkunV'Or (Region7: Ithaca, New York)...

    We present this gift to honor the memory of the Shuttle Columbia crew on her fateful day.

    (The art work was created by Jolene Favia Chicago IL on behalf of the TikkunV'Or members).

    Monica Waldron
    Commanding Officer
    Shuttle TikkunV'Or
    Ithaca, New York 14850

A Beacon Of Hope And Light To All Nations

    I (STAR Lab Sciences CO) would like to echo the sentiments of the astronauts' spouses and children, as presented in a NASA internet press release:

      "It is our deepest hope that you also will continue to share in our belief and support of NASA's dreams. We believe NASA is a beacon of hope and light to all nations, for NASA has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, that peoples from all races, genders, cultures, religions, and political backgrounds can transcend those differences and become the closest of friends. And these friends will continue to pursue space exploration and scientific discovery for the single purpose of helping and furthering all of mankind."

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How The Mighty Have Fallen

    Life forever has changed. We have lost another Shuttle. I have been researching the Space program and I find stress everywhere. Oh, if we only lived in an age of Star Trek technology. I stand in awe of those astronaunts that bravely risk it all to keep us advancing forward in technology. I am very angry at the underfunding of NASA. I feel we have lost our first love. Politics have made policy where it had no business. It sickens me to know that we as a nation are prepared to throw money to the military machine to take out Saddam yet we make our Space agency penny pinch.

    To know that those astronauts had no methods of surviving an emergency landfall sickens my stomach. This should have never been acceptable. I lived in the dream that we were invincible. I am guilty of being lulled into believing shuttle/spacestation missions were commonplace occurrences no more risky an undertaking than a drive to work. I heard Richard C Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM urging people to contact the White House before the President gave his State of the Union Address to let President Bush know that Americans support greater funding of NASA and project Promethesis. More information can be found in the Richard C. Hoagland link on the left side of this page:

    Contact information for government officials and media outlets is at:

    Cmdr. Cyndi Jo Ashby
    Newburgh, IN

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Page updated March 8, 2003.

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