Message: 1 Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 10:48:42 EST From: Subject: Treknology in Paper Models Frustrated by the lack of diversity in Star Trek models? How would you like a full sized Hypospray to inoculate people at the next IC? Looking for a good talking point on your recruiting table - a free giveaway perhaps? The Science Department of the USS Magellan takes pleasure in hosting an index of all the free, Star Trek related "Paper Models" - actually made of heavy paper or card - available for downloading right now over the Internet. Direct your browser to ... ... and prepare to be amazed by the variety and accuracy of the models available. here are a few examples ... > Two versions of the NCC-1701 and another two versions of the NCC-1701A > Voyager > Starbase "Ournal" > SS Botany Bay > USS Reliant, Miranda class > USS Sutherland, Nebula class > USS Defiant > Over half a dozen different shuttles > The Borg Cube, The Romulan Bird of Prey, The Tholian Web Spinner, The Nomad Probe ... > The three main variants of Phasers *full scale props* It is very much a work in progress so drop me a line if you hit any problems. I will be keeping the listings up to date and posting new models to the Science-Lab list and (pending moderator aproval) the R1 Engineers list. Have fun my friends! That's what we are here for, right? Alan, Downunda -------------- Lt Alan Anderton, USS Magellan ------------ --------------- Science Liaison Officer, R14 ------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------- batlHa' vangIu'taHvIS quv chavbe'lu' ---------- - One does not achieve honour while acting dishonourably -