Mundane Science
Fleet Captain Bill Downs - R3-DC Science

Ice Cream - Redux

I think this qualifies as "D'oh" research.

In the July/August issue of the Center for Science in the Public Interest's newsletter, Nutrition Action Healthletter, it is revealed that a chocolate-covered waffle cone filled with Chunky monkey is not a diet food.

Cold Stone creamery's Mud Pie Mojo, coffee ice cream with goodies like almonds, Oreos and peanut butter, contains 1,180 calories and 26 grams of saturated fat. This is about what you would get in two Personal Pan pepperoni pan pizzas.

"Ice cream is an indulgent dessert, and like any indulgence, is meant to be enjoyed in moderation...," says cold Stone spokesman Kevin Donnellan.

It might be a good idea to take a look at your next half-gallon purchase of ice cream. Many manufacturers have reduced the size from 64 to 56 ounces, about the amount in a small dish.

Elizabeth Lee, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7/24/2003, pg. D1
Elizabeth Lee, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2/3/2003, pg. B1

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