Former Senator-Astronaut Criticizes Space Plan By WARREN E. LEARY Published: March 5, 2004 [W]ASHINGTON, March 4 John Glenn, the former senator who was the first American to orbit the Earth, said Thursday that he opposed cutting money from the International Space Station and basic scientific research to pay for President Bush's goal of sending astronauts to the Moon and Mars. Testifying at a hearing of the new presidential commission on space exploration at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio, Mr. Glenn said it would be wrong to redirect space station research to make it applicable to human spaceflight to the Moon and Mars and to abandon the more expansive studies previously planned. "We have projects that are planned or in the queue now, projects that people, academics and laboratories and companies, have spent millions of dollars to get ready," said Mr. Glenn, a Democrat who represented Ohio in the Senate for 24 years before retiring in 1998. "That pulls the rug out from under our scientists who placed their faith in NASA, and our scientists within NASA who devoted years and years to their work." Instead of terminating the station project, in which the nation has invested more than $30 billion, he said, "we should be looking for ways to stretch it out." The Bush plan calls for completing the space station in 2010 and stopping American research there by 2016. Mr. Glenn said that amounted to "breaking the promises" to the other 15 nations that take part in the project, endangering international participation in future programs. The nine-member presidential commission is holding five meetings around the country to get ideas about Mr. Bush's plan, announced in January, to return humans to the Moon by the end of the next decade and to go from there to Mars. Thursday's meeting was its second; it is to present a report in June. Dr. Lennard A. Fisk of the University of Michigan, who is chairman of the Space Studies Board of the National Academy of Sciences, also questioned the new program's effects on NASA science programs. The Bush initiative calls for delaying or trimming some NASA space science programs to free up some of the $12 billion allotted for the new program. The initiative could result in "major collateral damage" to NASA's science program, he said, and damage the balance the agency has traditionally maintained between human space flight and fundamental science. "NASA has responsibilities beyond exploration on which it should not default," Dr. Fisk said. Edward C. Aldridge, the former Air Force secretary who is the commission's chairman, said it might consider stretching out the president's initiative so it has less impact on other programs. Dr. Paul D. Spudis of Johns Hopkins University, a member of the commission, said the Bush plan would not necessarily damage space science in general because it would generate new science and technology as it progressed. Copyright 2004, The New York Times Company