Premature Death for the Hubble Published: February 29, 2004 [B]y all accounts the Hubble Space Telescope is one of the most productive scientific instruments in history. Orbiting high above the distorting effects of Earth's atmosphere, it has peered far out into space and back toward the beginnings of time, producing images of startling clarity. It has detected extremely faint objects that can't be seen from the Earth, calibrated the age and expansion rate of the universe, detected supermassive black holes in the cores of galaxies and generally helped revolutionize our understanding of the universe. A distinguished panel of astronomers judged that Hubble "has arguably had a greater impact on astronomy than any instrument since the original astronomical telescope of Galileo." Yet now, just as Hubble was scheduled for a major rejuvenation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has consigned it to slow death. The agency has canceled a planned servicing mission that would have upgraded Hubble's instruments and extended its life past the end of the decade, making it likely that the telescope will run out of battery power and functioning gyroscopes by about 2007. Congress needs to prevent the premature loss of this valuable instrument. Cancellation of the servicing mission is being justified on safety grounds, but that is not the whole story. Indeed, it looks as if Hubble is being sacrificed primarily to make way for President Bush's grand new plans to send astronauts to the Moon and Mars in future years. Once the shuttles are deemed safe enough to resume flying, probably early next year, a shuttle flight to Hubble will be no more risky and possibly even less risky than flights to the space station. The real safety issue comes up if something goes wrong. A shuttle near the station might find safe haven and help in repairs. A shuttle near Hubble could not. Our guess is that with NASA on high alert after the Columbia tragedy, the next shuttle flights will be the safest ever. Astronauts are paid to take risks, and there would be no shortage of volunteers for a Hubble mission that seems no more risky than other flights and a lot more important scientifically. The Bush administration argues that Hubble has passed its prime, that its uniqueness is diminishing, that advances in ground-based telescopes enable them to do some of Hubble's work and that future breakthroughs will require telescopes able to search in other wavelengths than those used by Hubble. There is a germ of truth in all those contentions, but a parade of experts have argued that Hubble, if serviced and updated, has years of great work ahead. There seems little doubt that the science still to be done on Hubble is far more important than anything likely to be accomplished on the space station. The chief reason for Hubble's demise is almost certainly NASA's need to use its shuttles to finish building the space station by 2010 so that the shuttles can be retired and the money used for the president's Moon-Mars exploration initiative. The agency will be lucky to complete the station on time even with all three remaining shuttles devoted to the task. Servicing the Hubble would be a diversion. The administration essentially argues that the scientific returns from extending Hubble's life are not worth the risk and effort of a servicing flight. Our feeling is just the opposite. The gains from extending Hubble's life are real and achievable and should not be sacrificed for a distant exploration program that for now is mostly wishful thinking and can surely be delayed a bit. Copyright 2004, The New York Times Company