For Space Glory, Reach for the Stars, Experts Say By WILLIAM J. BROAD Published: January 10, 2004 [D]isasters big and small have struck the federal space establishment with alarming regularity of late: satellites have failed, space shuttles have blown up, astronauts have died. NASA has captivated the public this week with dazzling pictures from the rover it just landed on Mars. But closer to Earth, at the International Space Station, air is slowly leaking and no one knows why. The Pentagon, after spending billions, is having trouble making a booster rocket for the antimissile system it is trying to build. A new generation of spy satellites is behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget. Landsat 7, a federal satellite that observes the Earth, is sending back fuzzy pictures and acting like a malfunctioning video camera. All of these troubles raise the question of whether the nation has the technical muscle to achieve President Bush's vision of setting up a human base on the moon and sending Americans to Mars, a plan he is expected to announce next week. "NASA has gotten obese and encumbered," said Rick N. Tumlinson, a founder of the Space Frontier Foundation, a private group in Nyack, N.Y., that advocates bold exploration. "It's like a former Olympic athlete eating potato chips and drinking beer while watching reruns of past glories." The consensus of experts is that NASA and the nation's wider space community are damaged in vital areas and now clearly unable to do anything ambitious. But the space program could soar again, they said, even with modest funding increases - if it is revitalized by bold leadership and tough political calls, like finding a graceful way to end the shuttle program, which has already outlasted its intended life span and is a huge drain on NASA's resources. If done right, they said, the initiative could end the string of failures and replace them with new achievements. "This is a way of fixing a lot of that by providing a focus that will draw good people back into the space program," Dr. John M. Logsdon, director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, said. "The current problems are a result of a lack of focus." Any return to the moon, let alone a much more ambitious and dangerous foray to Mars, would require new generations of advanced rockets, engines, air and food supplies, communications gear and shields to protect humans from blasts of solar radiation. But Jerry Grey, policy director of the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, a professional group of aerospace engineers based in Washington, said the technical woes were not insurmountable or uniform. He noted that the Spirit robot that recently landed on Mars was apparently working flawlessly as it readied to explore the planet. "The technical establishment is not fine," he said. "There are a lot of things wrong with it. But it's not about to fall apart. And an initiative like what President Bush appears to be ready to announce would open up a lot of opportunities." Mr. Tumlinson of the Space Frontier Foundation said no big budget increases would be needed for President Bush's plan but that NASA would have to be completely restructured, with unneeded centers shut down and new divisions set up to mobilize new talent. "We're at our best when we're given our biggest challenges," he said. "When the challenges are mediocre, when they don't call on us to reach beyond ourselves, we have a tendency to perform in a mediocre fashion." Such work, Mr. Tumlinson added, now characterized the space shuttles, which are grounded, and the space station, which is down to two crew members from three and leaking air. "We have to call on NASA to do something beyond itself," he said. Experts who have consulted in the decision-making process said Mr. Bush's plan may call for retiring the shuttles and ending station work sometime early next decade as the nation begins a new round of moon landings. But the political handiwork needed just to end the shuttle program would be significant, requiring major assaults on entrenched interests: When up and running, the spaceport in Florida employs some 14,000 people and each year pumps $1.4 billion into the state's economy. Analysts said the current slump began after the cold war when the federal government cut back on its enormous investments in space technology. At the same time, scientific research in the nation's private sector took off, drawing into computers and medicine many of the best students who otherwise might have gone to NASA or the space programs of other federal agencies, including the Defense Department. This loss of talent was one of the factors behind the Columbia space shuttle disaster last year, which killed seven astronauts, according to the panel that investigated the accident. It singled out a "broken safety culture" at NASA that played down potential problems and was too influenced by the need to meet flight schedules. It found that decision making was flawed, safety procedures incomplete and communications poor. Similar problems have been identified in the military's space programs. Last May in a thick report, a high-level advisory panel to the Pentagon, the Defense Science Board, said those efforts were suffering from major cost increases and schedule delays, with "a devastating effect on program success." It said the problems grew out of bureaucratic failings in which estimates had grown unrealistic and undisciplined, and that good managers were so scarce that the government's abilities to lead and manage acquisition programs "have seriously eroded." Despite wide atrophy and decay, many experts said that bold leadership could revitalize the nation's space establishment. Dr. Bruce C. Murray, the former director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who is now at the California Institute of Technology, said the plan that Mr. Bush is expected to announce could work if clear and properly structured. An important part of the initiative, he said, should be for the human spaceflight program to shed its historic aversion to computers and robotic technology and to integrate them into the heart of the new work, cutting costs and empowering bold technologies for opening new frontiers. "On earth, humans and computers are developing an enormous symbiosis," Dr. Murray noted. "But none of that is happening on the human side of spaceflight. The future belongs to that symbiosis. And we of all nations have the maximum capability to take advantage of this evolving symbiosis, and we of all nations have not." Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company