Science in STARFLEET

Starfleet Sciences Staff

Starfleet Sciences is run by Director (Commanding Officer), Adm. Richard Heim.

Regional Science Contacts

Many of STARFLEET's regions have science programs and science activities. One of the goals of Starfleet Sciences is to serve as a conduit through which these regional science programs and ship activities can be contacted.

Vulcan Academy of Science

This was one of the most popular programs in Starfleet Academy. As noted on the old VAS web page: The Vulcan Academy of Science is designed to answer questions you may have about a particular science which has piqued your interest enough to learn more about it. VAS offers degrees in 30 science related areas and electives based on sub-sciences, plus Treknobabble, logic and trivia, from many of the sciences that exist in our world today. To add that bit of thrilling science fiction, I've thrown in Star Trek trivia that relates to the sciences VAS offers. It's a fun school, and you learn about real science, to boot! Highly recommended.

VAS is part of the Institute of Science & Technology, which has other colleges dealing with archaeology and anthropology, computer history, engineering, mathematics, medicine, and the STARFLEET Officer's Radio School. Other cool and fun-sounding institutes cover Science Fiction Studies, Star Trek Studies, and Alien Studies. Check them out!

VAS used to have its own section in Starfleet Academy. You'll be hard-pressed to find VAS under that name, but the science courses are still available.

Starfleet Science Handbook

The Starfleet Science Handbook serves as a resource for Science RDC's and ship CSO's alike. It uses the Region One Sciences handbook for ship CSO's as a template for Science RDC's of other regions (check it out online).

Science Articles Written by STARFLEET Members

STARFLEET has a wealth of science talent amongst its membership. Starfleet Sciences hopes to provide links to those science articles written by members who seek to share their talent online.

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